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Mr. Wang Zhaocai, Chairman of our company, as the vice president unit and outstanding member representatives attended the 10th anniversary celebration of the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce in Sichuan Pro

scanning:18641 author: from: time:2019-06-05 classify:Group News

       Happy old age, laughter welcomes the New Year. On December 23, 2018, the Intercontinental Hotel in Chengdu Century City held a grand ceremony of "Ten Years of Wind and Rain, Sushangqi Kaiqi New Air" - Jiangsu Province Chamber of Commerce in Sichuan Province celebrates the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up of the 10th anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce and the 2019 Spring Festival meeting. The activities were attended by General Zhang Shuyun, former deputy chief of staff of the Chengdu Military Region, General Yu Yuejun, deputy commander of the former Tibet Military Region, General Jin Lujun, former deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region, General Xu Kaiding, former deputy chief of the Air Force of the Chengdu Military Region, and former General of the Air Force Equipment Department of the Chengdu Military Region, General Xie Yongzhen Chen Jing, vice chairman of the Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the researcher of the member office, Mr. Zu Zuhua made a special trip to the meeting; also participated in the activities: the Sichuan Provincial Party and Government organs and bureaus and the leaders of the military and the retired Jiangsu nationals; There are: leaders of provincial foreign merchants (association) associations and friendly units; participants are: honorary presidents and senior consultants of the Chamber of Commerce: Xu Kaiding, Yu Junchong, Qian Weidong, Meng Jin, Xiang Lingzhen, Chen Kehao, Wang Chuncai, etc. The leaders came to the guidance and congratulated them. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Yan Shouming, Executive Vice President of the Board of Supervisors Tao Xiujuan, Executive Vice President Party Secretary Wang Jianhua, Honorary President and Secretary General Chen Shengying, Executive Vice President Xu Chunguan, Jiang Xingsheng, Lin Biao, Zhou Jinxi, Liu Huanrong, Yang Wanbo Zhang Yong and more than 1,000 people in the Rong member unit gathered together to share happy hours.

       The ceremony was officially kicked off with ten loud and loud bells. Yan Shouming, president of the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce in Sichuan Province, first delivered a warm speech. He said: 2018 is the 40th anniversary of the celebration of reform and opening up, and celebrates the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce. Since the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, looking back, the Chamber of Commerce has tried its best to serve members and serve the Soviet Union wholeheartedly; to cope with all kinds of disasters and mobilize everything. The power that can be mobilized is to express feelings and dedication in dedication; strive to improve the level of self-construction of the chamber of commerce, and create a better platform for mutual benefit and win-win for members; looking forward to the future, the Chamber of Commerce will continue to be a "scaffolding" for member development. The "jack" of the growth of the Soviet Union, the "overpass" of the interaction between Sichuan and the Soviet Union, and the "great army" of the society, spared no effort to uphold the core concept of "solidarity, mutual assistance, dedication, and win-win" of the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce has made unremitting efforts to build a Chamber of Commerce with more strength and social influence.

       Wang Deyun, executive deputy secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Law Committee, said: As a Jiangsu native, he witnessed the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce in Sichuan Province from scratch, from small to large, the start of the Chamber of Commerce ten years ago, the development in ten years, and the glory of ten years later. It can be said that this is not the past. In the past ten years, the Chamber of Commerce has done its utmost to fulfill its responsibilities and fulfill its responsibilities. It has made indelible achievements for the economic development of Sichuan and the Soviet Union, and built a city for the collapse of the city. bridge. According to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on promoting the healthy development of the private economy at the private enterprise symposium on November 1, the government agencies will start from four aspects: protecting private enterprises and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and strive to create a stable, fair, The transparent and predictable business environment has allowed many private entrepreneurs who have invested in Sichuan to take a reassurance and develop with peace of mind.

       Chen Guanghao, director of the Sichuan Provincial Economic Cooperation Bureau, spoke. He pointed out: Under the background of the ups and downs of the reform and opening up in the past 40 years, the vast number of Soviet businessmen have fought their heads and swayed the tide, and thousands of sails have become more advancing. A large number of outstanding Soviet businessmen have emerged. The Chamber of Commerce has developed for ten years and united to lead the general membership. Enterprises actively participated in public welfare undertakings such as earthquake relief, poverty alleviation, donation of aid, and donated more than 100 billion yuan in national profits and taxes. They have made outstanding contributions to promoting economic and social development in Sichuan and promoting political, economic, trade and cultural exchanges between Sichuan and the Soviet Union. It is hoped that the majority of Su businessmen will seize the opportunity and actively integrate into the more open development pattern of Sichuan, making great achievements and creating new achievements.

    Chen Jing, vice chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, delivered a speech. He first expressed warm congratulations on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Jiangsu Provincial Chamber of Commerce to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce. He pointed out: While studying and implementing the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up, the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce in Sichuan ushered in the tenth anniversary of its founding, ten years of innovation and development, and ten years of forge brilliant. The Chamber of Commerce has done a lot of fruitful work in uniting its members, propagating policies, providing services, reflecting demands, strengthening self-discipline and networking, and has become a bridge and link linking the economic and cultural cooperation between Sichuan and the Soviet Union. The new era portrays new blueprints, and new ideas call for new things. It is hoped that the Chamber of Commerce will adhere to the principle of “political construction, solidarity, service, innovation and strong meeting”, and lead the vast number of people in Sichuan and Suzhou to develop and innovate, and actively enterprising, while investing in the Sichuan economy, they will go home and go. Take a look, understand the development and changes in your hometown, and return to sang and seek common development.

     Sun Ning, vice chairman of the Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce, delivered a speech. He said: General Secretary Xi Jinping said at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up that reform and opening up is a great event in the history of the Chinese nation, and it is a spring breeze in reform and opening up. While developing his hometown, his family went up the river along the Yangtze River and went to Sichuan to make positive contributions to Sichuan's economic and social development. Under the active leadership of the party committee and government of the Sichuan and the Soviet Union and the relevant departments, the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce under the active leadership of the leadership team headed by the president, and with the concerted efforts of all members, we will not forget the initial heart and the hard work. In the past ten years, the Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce has made politics an important principle, a strong organization as its fundamental goal, and its service as its main responsibility and bridge as its primary direction. It has become an indispensable and important force in the Sichuan Foreign Business Association.



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