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The 90th anniversary of Chongqing University! Mr. Wang Zhaocai, c

scanning:15988 author: from: time:2019-10-31 classify:Group News


Oral history exhibition

From October 11 to 13, 2019, under the organization of the school of management science, alumni went to Keyuan Days Hotel, room 1407, the second comprehensive building, block B, Chongqing University and other places to visit the oral history exhibition of the school, recalling the past years of management science, and inheriting the struggle spirit of management science.



School of management alumni Forum

On the morning of October 11, 2019, the alumni forum activity of Chongqing University's 90th Anniversary - School of management science and real estate was successfully held in the multi-functional hall on the 4th floor of Keyuan days hotel. More than 70 alumni from all over the country and teachers and students from the school of management science and real estate of Chongqing University participated in the activity. The theme of this forum activity is "warmly welcome alumni home to celebrate the ninetieth birthday of their alma mater; build a career without forgetting the great teachers and benefactors, and see the great alumni". 




 Professor Liu Guiwen, the host of the opening ceremony of the forum and Dean of the school of management science and real estate of Chongqing University, introduced the purpose and agenda of the alumni forum, as well as the representatives, leaders, teachers and guests of each alumni branch.

Professor Liu Hanlong, vice president of Chongqing University, delivered a welcome speech at the alumni forum. Vice president Liu Hanlong introduced the development history, discipline construction and running purpose of Chongqing University, fully recognized and affirmed the running characteristics and achievements of the school of management science and real estate, expressed sincere thanks to the alumni for their strong support to the school, and hoped that the alumni would always be stable. Remember the school motto, match the first-class standards, pursue excellence, and constantly contribute to the development of the school and the country the wisdom and strength of adults.


Next, on behalf of Professor Cao Xiaolin and student Li Zekai, teachers of the school of management science delivered speeches respectively, and representatives of alumni branches in various regions shared the speeches. So far, the 90th anniversary of Chongqing University Alumni forum activity of School of management science and real estate has come to a successful end. This forum provides a face-to-face exchange platform for alumni from all over the country. Teachers, alumni and students gather together to celebrate the 90th birthday of our alma mater. 



School of management "home visit" campus visit

More than 30 teachers, students and alumni from the school of management science and real estate of Chongqing University visited Huxi campus together. When they saw the green, beautiful and atmospheric campus environment, they all felt that their alma mater had changed greatly and changed with each passing day. They were very proud of the vigorous development of their alma mater. Seeing the young, vigorous and lively students, recalling the years of studying in our alma mater, and recalling the good memories of our alumni.



Alumni forum of School of management

In the afternoon of October 11, 2019, the alumni forum of Chongqing University's 90th Anniversary - School of management science and real estate was held in Chongqing University Town. More than 60 distinguished alumni representatives from all over the country in different fields of development and teachers from the school of management science and real estate gathered together to recall the interesting stories of their classmates, and then to talk about the friendship between teachers and students, their feelings and development. 



Song and dance opening

At 8:00 p.m. on October 12, the party to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Chongqing University was held in the stormy playground of area a of Chongqing University. Vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress Xiang Xiaoping CuO and other outstanding alumni, leaders of brotherhood colleges, alumni, representatives of enterprises and institutions, and teachers and students of the University gathered to watch the performance and celebrate the 90th birthday of Chongqing University. This commemorative party is sponsored by Chongqing University Alumni and Entrepreneurs Association. 


First chapter

Origin, faith and fuel


Music, poetry and painting nine ranks of firewood

The storm and thunder when the school was founded

It's a great commitment to the responsibility of the times

To build Fengze in the Southwest

The bigger the bombing, the stronger the bombing.


Chorus "Chongqing University School song"

"Jiang Han thinks of Yu Gong and educates and traces wenwenweng"

The audience rose

With the singers on the stage

Sing the school song of Chongqing University


Second chapters

Cultivate the pillars of Xingtan


"The brightest star in the night sky" and "heart of light"

Stone gate, we are all dreamers

Singing and dancing in the middle of the stage

Confident and brave, striving to run on the road of pursuing dreams

This is what a great man looks like when he is young and lively.


Third chapters

Work hard and learn to keep Huazhang


Fourth chapters

Hongtu, leading the innovation era



All performers and audience

Sing "sing the motherland" together


Finally, in the laughter and blessings of teachers and alumni, this wonderful gathering time ended, expressing the deep friendship and blessings of the alma mater.