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Mr. Wang Zhaocai, chairman of our company, was invited to visit Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

scanning:18484 author: from: time:2019-08-13 classify:Group News

     In order to communicate and learn more deeply, under the organization of Li Yi, the first class vice-president and the chief supervisor engineer of Ningxia Branch of Sichuan Kunlin Construction Project Management Co., Ltd., the chairman of our company was invited to visit Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region with the students of CIOB Certification Center of Chongqing University. 

     At the first stop, we went to the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to make corresponding understanding and exchanges on the basic situation of Ningxia's construction and development, the relevant policies and requirements of construction enterprises entering Ningxia from abroad, the application and promotion of assembly buildings and BIM. At the fifth stop, we went to Yinchuan Institute of Urban Planning and Design to exchange views on the transformation and development of the institute.



    Second, we went to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to build the project cost management station and exchanged experiences and practices on the main tasks and achievements of the management station, the whole process cost consultation and control management in Ningxia, the market inspection of cost consultation, performance credit management and the training of cost professional and technical personnel. 


     At the third stop, we visited Yinchuan Civil Hall, the one-stop modern government service platform with the highest efficiency, the best service and the fastest approval.



     Fourth, we went to Yinchuan City Planning Exhibition Hall to understand Yinchuan's urban design, recent infrastructure construction planning, construction achievements, district and county planning, major projects, investment attraction and other aspects.


   Finally, we visited Ningxia Branch of Sichuan Kunlin Construction Project Management Co., Ltd., where Li Yi is a student. The trip was successfully completed with the careful planning of Li Yi and the active participation of other students