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Sichuan Construction and Exploration Section [2018] No. 764 Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the definition of the special chapters and specifications of the spe

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The municipal (state) housing and urban construction administrative department, all relevant units:

In order to facilitate the survey and design enterprise and the construction drawing review agency to carry out business work and improve the efficiency of the company's work, after research, our department decided to clarify the special chapter style and specifications for the special inspection of the engineering survey and design drawings and the construction drawing design documents of the province. The notice of matters is as follows:

1. Since the date of issuance of this article, the engineering survey and design of the engineering survey and design enterprises of the province has drawn a special chapter for the examination of the special chapters and construction drawing design documents, and each engineering survey and design enterprise and the construction drawing review institution have inscribed according to the relevant regulations. . The style and specifications of the special chapters shall be engraved in accordance with the uniform format of the province (see attachment). The survey and design units and the construction drawing review institutions with multiple qualifications or qualifications may separately engrave the special seals for each qualification or qualification. The newly opened special seal shall have an expiration date that is consistent with the validity period of the qualification certificate (or qualification certificate).

2. The special survey for the engineering survey and design and the construction drawing design document for the engineering survey and design engraved before the date of issuance of the paper can be continued during the validity period of the special seal.

3. The municipal and state (urban) administrative departments of housing and urban construction shall strengthen the supervision and management of the special chapters for the examination and design of the engineering survey and design and the special chapter for the review of the construction drawing design documents.

Attachment: 1. Sichuan Province Construction Engineering Survey and Drawing Special Chapter Styles and Specifications

2. Sichuan Province Construction Engineering Design Drawing Special Chapter Styles and Specifications

3. Sichuan Province Construction Engineering Construction Drawing Design Document Review Special Chapter Styles and Specifications

Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

September 3, 2018

Sichuan Construction Exploration and Development Section [2018] Attachment No. 764